Study Less, Study Smart: A Stepping Stone to College Life

by: Jean Abigail Mae G. Diaz

Study Less, Study Smart Official Poster

Being into college is a huge step for a student’s life – a lot of adjustments, experiences, and struggles may come along the way. To welcome this school year’s freshmen, American Concrete Institute Philippines-Mapua Student Chapter organized a seminar entitled “Study Less, Study Smart”, conducted at the Plenary Hall of Mapua Institute of Technology last July 15, 2015, 10 o’clock in the morning. The seminar was specially prepared for freshmen to give them pieces of advice as they go along their journey to college life. The two speakers of the event, who are willing to impart their experiences and share some advice to freshman, are current professors in Mapua Institute of Technology, namely Engr. Ernesto Baldono and Prof. Edward Jay Quinto.

Our beloved speakers, Engr. Ernesto Baldono Jr. and Prof. Edward Jay Quinto

The two-hour program was a success. About a hundred freshman students, eager to gain knowledge and guidance, attended the seminar. Each minute had been a valuable experience to the freshman students as they learned how to deal with the struggles that they will face as college students. ACIP-MSC will continue to organize seminars that will serve as stepping stones to prepare students in their new chapter in life.

[from left to right: John Matthew C. Catiltil (ACIP-MSC President), Engr. Ernesto Baldono Jr., and Prof. Edward Jay Quinto]

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